Powerful winds and heavy rainfall are sweeping across parts of southeastern North Carolina on Monday as Potential Tropical Cyclone Eight nears landfall and could soon become Tropical Storm Helene.
Tropical storm-force winds and heavy rainfall continue across the Carolina coast as Potential Tropical Cyclone Eight continues its approach.
Conditions are rapidly worsening in Carolina Beach, as water quickly rises and traps vehicles in flooded streets. Strong winds with gusts nearing 45 mph are blowing trees and rain, reducing visibility.
A sedan is pulled from flooded roads in Carolina Beach as Potential Tropical Cyclone 8 moves toward the Carolinas Monday.
Videos show cars driving through high floodwaters and tow trucks saving vehicles stalled in flooded streets.
A car in Carolina Beach drives through a flooded street as Potential Tropical Cyclone 8 worsens conditions near the coast.
To the north, in Wrightsville Beach, conditions are similar, with rough surf lashing the beach and large, dangerous waves forming. The wind has been whipping the shoreline, blowing sand and ocean water all around. FOX Weather Storm Specialist Mike Seidel and FOX Weather Meteorologist Bob Van Dillen are in the area.
PTC 8 is bringing rough and high surf and tropical storm-force winds to Wrightsville Beach.
More sights from Wrightsville Beach showed lightning along the coast and booming thunder in the distance. Potential Tropical Cyclone Eight is expected to bring storm surge and 4–8 inches of rain to southeast North Carolina throughout the day.
As conditions worsen across the Carolinas, lightning flashes and large waves can be seen in Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina.