More Rain & Cooler Weather for Southeastern Half of Texas

More Rain & Cooler Weather for Southeastern Half of Texas

Heavy rain will threaten localized flooding in the southeastern third of Texas this week, including today. High water on roads and rises on streams, creeks, bayous, and lakes are anticipated. Multiple rounds of thunderstorms will also bring frequent cloud-to-ground lightning, gusty winds, and tropical funnel clouds. Beyond that, cooler weather will continue across the southeastern […]

Rain & Storms Expected Today across Texas

Rain & Storms Expected Today across Texas

As we escape the heat dome, an unsettled summer week is forecast across Texas. Plentiful moisture and no sinking air over our region mean we can crank out popup showers and storms daily this week. Today, there will be scattered storms across most of Texas. Widespread severe weather isn’t expected, but strong wind gusts, small […]

Stormy Weather for Texas this Weekend & Next Week

Stormy Weather for Texas this Weekend & Next Week

Having one of the wetter ends to July, which we’ve seen in recent summers, wasn’t on my bingo card this year. However, sometimes things line up, and we end up on the ‘good side’ of the weather coin. While the West Coast bakes, we’re setting up for less hot temperatures and above-average rain chances. Today […]

Stormy Weather Pattern for Texas Next Week?

Stormy Weather Pattern for Texas Next Week?

Popup showers and thunderstorms will remain a possibility across the southeastern half of Texas this afternoon and through the weekend. We’ll probably see some storms in western parts of the state by early next week, too! Anything that can provide a reprieve from our summer doldrums and heat is welcome… unless it’s a hurricane. No […]

Texas Weather Forecast: Popup Summer Storms & Heat

Texas Weather Forecast: Popup Summer Storms & Heat

Scattered showers and thunderstorms are expected this afternoon into Friday across the southeastern third of Texas. Frequent lightning, gusty winds, and localized downpours are the main threats. We’ll see more chances this weekend. Otherwise, it’s warm!   Widespread severe weather is not expected, but storms will produce frequent lightning and locally heavy rainfall. Activity may […]

Afternoon Popcorn Storms Forecast across Texas

Afternoon Popcorn Storms Forecast across Texas

Isolated to scattered ‘popcorn’ showers and storms are expected across most of Texas later this morning through the early evening hours. We call them ‘popcorn’ because they can pop up quickly in the summer, drop a bucketload of rain over a forty-five-minute period, and fizzle out with strong wind gusts. Typically, frequent lightning and strong […]