Here’s a look at how the 2025 hurricane season could play out

Here’s a look at how the 2025 hurricane season could play out

Hurricane forecasters use what are called analog seasons to predict was a future season could have in store. Forecasters pay heavy attention to the status of the El Nino Southern Oscillation, water temperatures and other features that were notable during past seasons to give them a sense of what a future season could produce. For the 2025 hurricane season, most global computer models and forecasters believe that the world will be in a neutral status of the ENSO, so looking at previous neutral-dominated ENSO years, might provide cluses of how active of a hurricane season to expect.

Pollen season in full throttle across southern US

Pollen season in full throttle across southern US

Pollen season is affecting of the southern tied of the country, with tree pollen reaching high and even extreme levels, particularly in cities like Atlanta and Houston. Dry, windy weather is contributing to the spread of pollen, aggravating allergy symptoms, while a warm winter and spring have intensified the season, leading to longer periods of high pollen concentrations.

Did the National Weather Service capture a photo of Bigfoot during a Pennsylvania storm survey?

Did the National Weather Service capture a photo of Bigfoot during a Pennsylvania storm survey?

A survey of storm damage around Hoover, Pennsylvania turned up a mysterious entity. Beyond a damaged tree a creature that appeared to be human-sized, if not larger, was seen walking through the rural terrain in Fayette County, Pennsylvania. According to the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization, the Commonwealth is often a hotspot for sightings due to the rural terrain along the Allegheny Mountains.

Traffic crash serves as reminder to stay away from areas around South Florida brush fires

Traffic crash serves as reminder to stay away from areas around South Florida brush fires

Instead of devoting full attention to brush fires burning in South Florida, emergency crews said they responded to a serious multi-vehicle crash along U.S. 1 south of Miami on Friday. “This incident serves as a reminder for our community to avoid driving near the area of the southeast Miami-Dade brush fire. Heavy congestion can delay response times for first responders in emergencies," the Miami-Dade Fire Rescue department said.