Summer Cool Front And Rain In Texas Later This Week!

Hot and humid weather will continue across Texas for the next few days, but a weather pattern change is coming! We rarely get to talk about below-average temperatures and increased rain chances in July, but this is one of those times. Oh, and no – this has nothing to do with a hurricane attacking the state.

Afternoon high temperatures will peak in the 90s and 100s across Texas later today and again on Tuesday. Parts of the Panhandle and Northwest Texas may get above 105 degrees each afternoon. Borger is forecast to hit 109 this afternoon. No doubt it’s hot out there, but we’re doing multitudes better than the past two summers. I can confidently say that given the forecast for later this week and the weekend.


A cool front and thunderstorm chances will begin moving into the Panhandle Tuesday evening. That cool front and some chance for showers and storms will continue progressing south into Texas on Wednesday and Thursday. Besides some folks getting lucky in the rain department, that front will begin a pattern change for us.

Below-average temperatures (for late July) are expected across Texas and the Midwest of the United States this weekend into the first half of next week.

High temperatures on Thursday through early next week (at least) will drop five to twenty degrees across Texas. Instead of the upper 90s and 100s, we expect high temperatures in the middle 80s and 90s. Even those across the southern half of Texas will see temperatures drop several degrees later this week.

Above-average rain chances are forecast this weekend into early next week across the southern half of the United States, including Texas.

We also expect isolated to scattered rain chances daily in parts of Texas beginning tomorrow night and continuing through early next week. It won’t rain everywhere, every day, and some folks will probably still get nothing. However, something is better than nothing – and hopefully, we can spread around a splattering of rain chances over the next seven to ten days.

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