More Rain & Cooler Weather for Southeastern Half of Texas

Heavy rain will threaten localized flooding in the southeastern third of Texas this week, including today. High water on roads and rises on streams, creeks, bayous, and lakes are anticipated. Multiple rounds of thunderstorms will also bring frequent cloud-to-ground lightning, gusty winds, and tropical funnel clouds. Beyond that, cooler weather will continue across the southeastern half of Texas.

The northwestern half of Texas will return to a more typical summer-time weather pattern for the remainder of the work week. Under sunny skies and light south winds, we expect high temperatures to rise into the 90s this afternoon. The southeastern half of Texas will top out in the 80s to lower 90s. This forecast will repeat itself through Friday, with hotter weather in the northwest and comparatively cooler temperatures in the southeast.


Several rounds of rain will fall across the southeastern third to half of Texas today through the weekend. Isolated instances of flash flooding are expected, and some locations may receive an additional three to six inches of rain.

Two to six inches of additional rain will fall across the Coastal Plains, Southeast Texas, Golden Triangle, and most of the Middle and Upper Texas Gulf Coast through Saturday. Some locations may exceed eight inches of additional rainfall locally, especially on the Southeast Texas Gulf Coast. Flash flooding will be a localized problem. On a larger scale, we expect measurable rains to mostly be confined to the southeastern half of Texas over the next five days. More isolated activity will be possible in the western third of Texas late this week and into the weekend.

Summer Weather Pattern Returns Next Week

A return of the upper-level high pressure, known as the heat dome in the summer, will likely occur beginning early next week. That will bring us back into our typical summer-time weather pattern, with hot weather and decreased widespread precipitation chances. No tropical mischief is expected in our part of the world for at least the next ten days.

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