Rain Chances Increase Tonight; More Storms Early Monday

Rain Chances Increase Tonight; More Storms Early Monday

A warm and humid airmass is moving north across the eastern half of Texas this morning, resulting in drizzle, low clouds, and fog that may persist throughout the day. Showers and thunderstorms are expected to become more common tonight and into Saturday morning as a weak cool front advances south across North Texas, Northeast Texas, […]

Weak La Nina still expected this winter, last into spring after last year’s El Nino winter

Weak La Nina still expected this winter, last into spring after last year’s El Nino winter

According to a recent NOAA update on the status of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation, the atmosphere across large parts of the world has resembled a La Niña state, but traditional sea-surface temperatures have not reached the threshold to officially declare a La Niña underway. Forecasters still believe there is a chance critical parts of the ocean will cool enough to enter the La Niña threshold, but it will likely not result in significant pattern changes.