Stormy Weather for Texas this Weekend & Next Week

Having one of the wetter ends to July, which we’ve seen in recent summers, wasn’t on my bingo card this year. However, sometimes things line up, and we end up on the ‘good side’ of the weather coin. While the West Coast bakes, we’re setting up for less hot temperatures and above-average rain chances.

Today will likely be less active than yesterday in total thunderstorms this afternoon. However, we will still see at least isolated popups this afternoon. Gusty winds, lightning, and locally heavy rain are likely caused by those isolated storms. Otherwise, rain chances will increase across several regions of Texas beginning Saturday. Locally heavy rainfall, gusty winds, and lightning will be a threat from most storms. Sunday through at least Wednesday will feature scattered to, at times, numerous showers and thunderstorms across Texas.


It won’t rain in every region daily, but we are looking rather active for the final week of July. By the time we get to Wednesday, I anticipate one to four inches of rain will have fallen across the southern half to the southern two-thirds of Texas. We’ll see rain in the Panhandle and West Texas, and Y’all will probably see some decent totals over the next week, too. Flooding may become an issue where we see several inches of rain.

It’s uncommon to see such a widespread, multi-day rain event in July or August without a hurricane, but that’s what we’ll be doing. With all the rain and increased cloud cover, a majority of Texas will be able to experience high temperatures in the 80s to low 90s to start off the upcoming week.

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