It’s been brutally hot & humid. Here’s when we might see some relief

This Memorial Day weekend will go into the record books as one of the warmest San Antonio has ever seen. Heat index values have already peaked above 110° several times, with humidity remaining very high. To make matters worse, a hazy atmosphere, thanks to thick humidity and smoke, has made for poor air quality. So, let’s get to some good news…

  • Temperatures will be “less hot” starting Tuesday thanks to a weak front
  • A stray storm is possible Monday evening, but odds are small
  • IF a storm develops, severe weather is possible
  • Tuesday’s highs are forecast to be in the mid-90s, however, it’ll still be humid
  • Tuesday night brings our next best chance of rain, with storms potentially arriving from the west and northwest
  • Once again, severe weather will be possible with these storms (gusty winds being the biggest threat)


Our rain chances will be wholly dependent on what takes shape to our west and northwest. Storms are forecast to develop across West Texas and if they can coalesce, then a cluster of storms could move in our direction by late Tuesday night. With this kind of weather, the main severe threats would be gusty winds and a few pockets of heavy rain. Unfortunately, rainfall is not a guarantee in this scenario. It will very much require a ‘wait and see’ approach, so check back with us. A similar situation may unfold Wednesday night into Thursday morning, as well.

Storms from West Texas may make their way into our area by Tuesday night. (KSAT12 2024)


Air quality has been an issue of late, with San Antonio seeing “unhealthy air for those who are sensitive,” meaning asthma sufferers and those with respiratory issues may be affected. Smoke from Central America and Mexico has been the largest contributor to the hazy conditions. Thankfully, air quality is also forecast to improve in the coming days.