Active Week Ahead in Texas: Rain, Storms, and Probably Snow! {Jason}

Active Week Ahead in Texas: Rain, Storms, and Probably Snow! {Jason}

[embedded content][embedded content] Jan 30 | Forecast Video, Texas Weather This afternoon, showers and thunderstorms are expected to sweep across the eastern third of Texas. Some storms might… [embedded content][embedded content] Jan 29 | Forecast Video, Texas Weather An uptick in thunderstorm intensity has been noted this evening across portions of North Texas, including the … Read more

World’s largest iceberg on possible collision course with island in South Atlantic Ocean

World’s largest iceberg on possible collision course with island in South Atlantic Ocean

A massive iceberg, identified as A23a, is drifting northeastward and could be on a collision course with the British territory of South Georgia Island. As of mid-January, the iceberg was estimated to cover an area of 1,062 nautical miles, roughly the size of Rhode Island, according to the U.S. National Ice Center (USNIC). The USNIC is responsible for naming, tracking, and documenting large pieces of ice.

Nepal hikes Mount Everest climbing fee by 36%

Nepal hikes Mount Everest climbing fee by 36%

According to Glacier Himalaya Treks and Expedition, a private group of experienced mountaineers that offers tours, the permit fee for climbing Mount Everest will increase by $4,000 in September. The new rate will mean the popular route will cost $15,000 in fees on top costs for supplies and guides, who are required to accompany hikers. The World Bank says that tourism is significant part of Nepal’s economy and leads to an estimated impact of more than $2 billion.